WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Finance Committee Paper 1 30/11/07 CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY FINANCE COMMITTEE FOR DECISION Title: RATIFICATION OF PREVIOUSLY APPROVED EXPENDITURE PROPOSALS Prepared by: Denby Pettitt, Finance Manager Purpose To summarise expenditure that has been approved by the Finance Committee since their last meeting on 21 September 2007. Recommendations This expenditure, having been approved by the full Finance Committee, appears here as a matter of record only. Members are asked to approve this paper as a formal note of the decision taken. Executive Summary a) At the September 2006 meeting the Finance Committee approved a change to the approval process whereby expenditure between £10,000 and £24,999 is approved by its Convener, together with the Chief Executive and Head of Corporate Services outwith the normal quarterly Committee meetings. Any expenditure approved in this way is reported to the next full Committee meeting. b) Expenditure between £25,000 and £49,999 has to be approved by a quorate meeting of Finance Committee members. This expenditure, having been approved by the full Finance Committee, appears here as a matter of record only. RATIFICATION OF PREVIOUSLY APPROVED EXPENDITURE PROPOSALS FOR DECISION Proposals Previously Agreed by the Finance Committee Convener, Chief Executive and Head of Corporate Services 1. Since the Finance Committee meeting on 21 September 2007 the following expenditure plans have been approved by the Finance Committee Convener, the Chief Executive and Head of Corporate Services in line with the two-tier approval process agreed at the September 2006 meeting: Headings: Expenditure / Head of Group / Date circulated / £’000 / Approval received (a) Wildness in the CNP NHLM 17 Oct 20 Yes (b) Cairngorms Explorer A Harper 17 Oct 21 Yes (c) Media profile F. van Buuren 25 Oct 10 Yes (d) Park Life F. van Buuren 25 Oct 13 Yes (e) Publications F. van Buuren 25 Oct 20 Yes (f) Stakeholder engagement F. van Buuren 25 Oct 21 Yes (g) Interim funding for Ranger Service M. Ferguson 16 Nov 12 Yes (h) Path signing and waymarking M. Ferguson 16 Nov 10 Yes (i) Tourist signs M. Ferguson 16 Nov 12 Yes Proposals Previously Agreed by a quorate meeting of the Finance Committee 2. Discussions between Finance Committee members took place before the Planning Committee on October 19 where approval was given for the following spend: (a) Web portal A. Harper 17 Oct 27 Yes 3. This item of expenditure related to the design of a web portal which has been put out to tender. In order to meet the National Park aims, a range of high quality web content is needed that is easy to access, informs people about the special qualities of this area and is integrated with existing visitor, community and business websites. DENBY PETTITT 19 November 2007 denbypettitt@cairngorms.co.uk